Diplomatic clearance number
EUAT(XX)2016V (VIP Transport)
EUAT(XX)2016HC (DG IATA/ICAO compliant)
EUAT(XX)2017V (VIP Transport)
EUAT(XX)2017HC (DG IATA/ICAO compliant)
(XX) stands for the ISO 3166 two-letter country code of the requesting nation
The Annual DIC is valid for military flights and flights by an aircraft recorded in a civilian register but flying under the authorization of a participating nations armed forces, or fulfilling a military purpose (military operated flight).
The Annual DIC is not valid for flights with combat helicopters.
Military Flight Plans and associated update messages should be filed at least 24 hours prior to activation of the flight plan to the Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network address LOXBDCNR for pre-flight information.
DIC option
Austria signed up for option 1.
Detailed information on the option 1 can be found in the DIC TA. Main points are the following:
- The Annual DIC is issued for a calendar year starting January 1st of each year.
- Besides the rules depicted in the DIC TA, aircrew have to adhere to all national rules, international agreements, ICAO rules, restrictions described in the national military and civilian Aeronautical Information Publications, ATC regulations, NOTAMs or other special requirements.
- During the missions covered by the DIC TA, any type of ISTAR and/or EW equipment as well as Defensive Aids Sub Systems will be put in “OFF”, “INACTIVE”, “SAFE” or “STAND-BY” mode.
- When using the Annual DIC, the DIC number will be mentioned in item 18 of the ICAO Flight Plan.
Additionally, the Participants will notify the flights as follows:
- For flights with VIP on board:
- Overflights: not required.
- Landings: NLT 1 working day before ETD.
- For flights with ICAO/IATA compliant DG:
- Overflights and landings: not required.
- For flights with ICAO/IATA non-compliant DG:
- The Annual DIC does not cover flights with ICAO/IATA non-compliant goods.
- For all other flights: not required.
- For aircraft carrying ISTAR and EW equipment a notification period of 1 working day is required.
Exempted airports
The Annual DIC is not valid for landings at military airports.
Exempted areas
Office of prime responsibility (OPR)
During business hours:
Austrian Ministry of Defence and Sports
Military Aviation Division
Rossauer Laende 1
Tel.: +43 (0)50 201-10-24308, 24309
Fax: +43 (0)50 201-10-17041
Outside of business hours:
Joint Forces Command/Duty Officer Air
Schwarzenberg Barracks
Tel.: +43 (0)50 201-80-23015
Fax: +43 (0)50 201-80-17051
Other contacts
POC for managing foreign state requests for military operated flights with war material on board (in accordance with the Austrian War Material Regulation):
Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior
Directorate General III
Department III/3
Tel.: +43 (0)1-53 126-3623
Fax: +43 (0)1-53 126-3760
Useful links
DIC form requirements
Request form OR1-Annex B for the authorization of the transport of War Material with a military operated aircraft
Austrian War Material Regulation
Specific reservations
Austrian War Material Prohibitions and Restrictions:
Weapons of Mass Destruction: The import, export or transit as well as the sale, brokering and possession of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction is generally prohibited and punishable as a criminal offence pursuant to Austrian national law.
Other weapons: The import, export or transit as well as the sale, brokering and possession of anti-personnel-mines and anti-detection mechanisms, blinding laser weapons and cluster munitions as defined in the cluster munitions convention is prohibited and punishable as a criminal offence, subject to the following exceptions:
- Import, possession and storage of anti-personnel mines for their immediate destruction.
- Import, export or transit as well as the sale, brokering and possession of laser systems, including laser systems used against optical equipment, whose legitimate military employment may result in blinding as an incidental or collateral effect.
- Import, export and transit, possession and storage of cluster munitions as defined in the cluster munitions convention for their immediate destruction.
Military Operated Flights carrying War Material:
All military operated flights not carrying military personnel wishing to overfly, land or operate in Austrian territory, shipping military technology and equipment according to the Austrian Regulation on War Material must submit a request to the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior for special permit. For approval the completed Form Annex B has to be transmitted by e-mail no later than 40 working days prior to overflight/landing to the address mentioned under head other contacts.
Tanker Operations:
Aerial refueling in Austrian airspace is not permitted.
Aerodrome for Landings:
For landing and departure the use of a civil aerodromes is mandatory.
Off-field landings are not covered by the Annual DIC.
Military Formation Flights:
Foreign military formation flights under instrument flight rules (IFR) conducting flights within FIR WIEN shall be in accordance with national regulations and permissions, in particular:
- a standard military GAT formation operating under IFR shall consist in general of MAX 4 aircraft;
- the formation shall operate as a single aircraft with regard to navigation and position reporting;
- the formation leader shall ensure that the formation does not exceed 1 KM (0.5 NM) laterally and
- longitudinally and 30 M (100 FT) vertically;
- all aircraft of the formation shall be VHF and transponder equipped;
- unless differently instructed, only the lead aircraft shall squawk as directed by ATC.
All transports of ICAO/IATA non compliant dangerous goods require a minimum of 10 working days for processing. Applications which do not adhere to this term of timely approval cannot be guaranteed.