
Annual Diplomatic Clearance Number (DCN)


… for routine air transport of personnel / cargo:

    EUAT (XX) 2022

… for VIP flights:

    EUAT (XX) 2022 V

… for flights with IATA- / ICAO-compliant Dangerous Goods:

    EUAT (XX) 2022 DG

(XX) stands for the ISO 3166 two-letter country code of the signatory using the DCN for their flight, with the exception of EL being used for Greece.

Note: The Annual DCN displayed above are EXCLUSIVELY valid for Option 1 signatories of the DIC TA. Option 2 signatories have to request a DCN from BE through the standardised application process (EU Form V and associated timelines).

DIC Option


Belgium selected option 1.


Detailed information on the option 1 can be found in the DIC TA. The main points are described in the FAQ under “DIC Option”.




Additional Regulations / Instructions



For “Excluded Aerodromes / Areas“, “Air-to-Air Refueling Flights“, “Transport Helicopter Flights“, and “IATA-non-compliant Dangerous Goods” see the dedicated sections further down.







Excluded Aerodromes






Excluded Areas


See Belgian eAIP, Part 2, ENR 5 “Navigation warnings” for prohibited / restricted / danger areas, which are excluded from the use of the DIC TA DCN.




Air-to-Air Refueling Flights (AAR)


AAR missions in transit phase with no AAR action in progress and/or no joined fighter aircraft present are considered ‘Transportation Missions’ of ‘Military Transport Aircraft’ acc. to Section 3 of the DIC TA and thus subject to the implementation of its provisions (annual DCN published on DIC portal, and/or harmonized request procedure).




Transport Helicopter Flights


Transport helicopter missions are considered ‘Transportation Missions’ of ‘Military Transport Aircraft’ acc. to section 3 of the DIC TA and thus subject to the implementation of its provisions (annual DCN published on DIC portal, and/or harmonized request procedure).




IATA-non-compliant Dangerous Goods


All flights, except those who are covered by a standing diplomatic clearance, are subject to an occasional diplomatic clearance request. This request has to be sent at least 10 (ten) working days in advance using the European Union Diplomatic Clearance (DIC) form.


Requests for standing diplomatic clearances, occasional requests and notifications, have to be sent through diplomatic channel to FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, International Transport Directorate.
For EU and NATO members who have agreed on a simplified communication procedure, notifications and occasional requests may be sent directly to the Belgian Air Defence Notification Center.




Phone:    +32 244 34769



Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR)


During office hours:


Ops & Trg / Div Sp / MTCC / MTAir / Diplomatic Clearance Office




Phone:    +32 2 441 7074  or  +32 2 441 82 42  or  +32 2 441 71 97


Fax:          +32 2 443 94 78




Outside office hours:


ADNC Office




Phone:    +32 244 34769



Useful Links


Begian eAIP